Saturday, 24 November 2007

Design for Interaction

Have been researching all things interactive and giving thought to the brief of Design for Interaction. The open brief offers a overwhelming number possibilites, and I'm in need of something to fire my imagination.
Well, that's not quite correct, I've seen plenty of inspiring things, from participatory art, through to imaginatively designed kiosk interfaces. I'm a bit concerned that a lot of the things I've seen function with some specifically written piece of script, or re-wiring and reprogramming different devices and software. Having no skills in these areas, I've no idea where to begin. Then there's the idea of making a web based interactive project. There a some cool sites out there with stunning interfaces and functionality- largely flashed based sites, which again, rely on some custom coding to make things groovy, and my actionscript skills are only marginally better than my electrical rewiring skills.
Initial thoughts lead to some kind of voice activation or sound based project, no idea how it will manifest itself, so more research in this area is my first avenue of research.

seeing with your ears java based 'audio -from -image' doohicky

interactive sound

sound design for interactive media - resources and interesting links

HMC - multimedia production company doing cool stuff

interactive architecture installations and art/ architecture projects

pianographique - curious web multimedia instrument

ixi - digital generative music group, giving workshops and providing free software and tutorials.

SASSAS - The Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound

dont click it - experimental website that uses mouse movement without clicking to navigate.

British Interactive Media Association
Exhibitions, events and all sorts
