We've all got some old electronic equipment stashed in a drawer somewhere, a broken mobile that hasn't made it's way to the bin yet, but before you chuck any of that stuff out, spend a moment considering where all that obsolete and busted technology ends up.
as people who are exploring all this new technology, we're frequently upgrading and expanding our collection of electronic equiptment - if i count up all the gadgets i've bought since first getting into this 'digital life' 5 years or so ago, its quite some figure. Add to that all the ink cartridges for the printer, batteries for cameras and music players etc, film canisters, photo processing chemicals, cd's and dvd's in their big plastic stack boxes, and it starts to get quite alarming. Thats after 5 years. Imagine what it'll be after 20 years as a media professional. Jesus H Vishnu, thats a shed load of dodgy plastics, chemicals and assorted toxins i'll be getting through.
We've really gotta start being more aware what we're doing when we use stuff and throw it out. Living in the land of plenty, it easy to just go on consuming and chucking out the remains, but continuing with this way of behavior can't be sustained, the effects are now too severe; we've gotta get with the programme.
I hope people watch these and take note. I'll blog later about where we can recycle our old mobiles, printer cartridges(which are also highly toxic) etc. I'm sure we've all got a few we need shot of. Some places send out freepost bags to post them off old stuff to recycle-if anyones interested, let me know and ill get a pile of them sent for us all.

Friday, 16 May 2008
The massive problem of e-waste
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