Monday, 12 May 2008

Final Project

For the self directed project, I'm going to do a poster campaign around the ideas of e-waste and energy consumption of todays technology. With a single computer chip doing more harm to the environment than the average car, and your Second Life avatar consumes as much electricity as a real life Brazilian, it's probably time we started to consider our energy consumption a whole lot more.
15 million mobile phones are discarded in 2004 (im looking for more recent figures) with only 4% begin recycled, and with a billion new handsets being sold in the last year, the global stats for discarded phones must be pretty staggering. Should be a concern when you consider mobiles contain the 10 most dangerous substances known to man. Much of our electronic waste ends up in developing countries, and the resulting environmental impact in some places has been catastrophic.

will also look at viable energy alternatives, with the population growth out of control, the demand on already overburdened energy supplies continues to grow. The cost of oil is climbing fast, with analysts predicting that we reached Peak oil , reserves are running dry. makes no sense at all that we are at war over the scraps that remain.
Biofuel has come under fire recently after reports of it being inefficient, I'm interested to learn more about solar energy -it's the biggest source of energy out there,and must surely be a strong contender for a future energy source for mankind.

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